Only 3 to 1 Lead

Within three hands, Julien Sitbon doubled up twice and took down another pot by betting a flop of :::Ad:::4s{10c} with :::8s:::7h.

In the first hand the Frenchman doubled for 750,000 with :::Kd:::4h versus Alex Stark’s :::Ah:::3h on a board of :::9c:::Jd:::4c:::Qs:::5d.

The second all in was worth 1,620,000 and Sitbon’s :::As{10c} held up against :::8c:::5c despite a scary turn on the :::6c:::Jd:::Ks:::7d:::6h board.

Karl Stark 9,100,000 -2,500,000
Julien Sitbon 3,200,000 2,450,000