Stark Jams his Way Back

There was just one flop with Julien Sitbon limping in and then calling a raise to 450,000 with the :::Qd:::7d. Stark had the :::Ad:::8s and won the pot with a bet of 400,000 on the :::3h:::Js:::6h flop.

The Swede also three-bet shoved with {10h}:::9d versus :::5h:::4h and four-bet shoved the :::Jc{10c} for 3,145,000 when Sitbon was becoming creative with :::Qs:::3d. The Frenchman mucked and they went on a quick unscheduled break.

Julien Sitbon 8,365,000 -1,945,000
Karl Stark 4,000,000 1,945,000