Trading a Small Pot; Zidar Shoves

Robert Vukovic opened to 180,000 with the :::Ad:::7d on the button and Avi Cohen in the big blind called with :::Jc:::8s. The flop brought :::6s:::4d:::2h and Cohen checked, Vukovic bet 160,000 and that won the pot right there.

Pavao Veza opened to 160,000 with :::Kh:::8s and Bojan Zidar’s shove for 1.2 million with :::As:::7c forced a quick fold.

Avi Cohen 4,175,000 -270,000
Robert Vukovic 3,440,000 100,000
Guy Ohayon 2,340,000 -30,000
Marius Pertea 2,160,000 -90,000
Bojan Zidar 1,450,000 210,000
Pavao Veza 1,400,000 -150,000