Vukovic Wins a Flip to Double

Avi Cohen raised to 100,000 with the :::7d:::7c and Henrik Tellving called from one seat over with the :::4d:::4h. Dor Lan reluctantly folded the hijack with :::Jd{10d} and Robert Vukovic moved all in from the button for 725,000 with the :::Ac:::Kc.

Christopher Heidelbacher folded :::Ah:::Qd in the big blind and Cohen announced the all in himself to force out everony else.

The :::Qh:::Jh:::4s:::Ad:::6h board gave Vukovic the double to

"And Matt Damon doubles up, very nice," Guy Ohayon joked.

Avi Cohen 2,770,000 -760,000
Bojan Zidar 2,490,000 -245,000
Pavao Veza 1,820,000 -325,000
Christopher Heidelbacher 1,745,000 -200,000
Robert Vukovic 1,670,000 1,000,000
Dor Lan 1,545,000 175,000
Guy Ohayon 1,355,000 -95,000
Henrik Tellving 965,000 -570,000
Marius Pertea 645,000 10,000