Easy Come, Easy Go

After a flop of {10d}:::9d:::4d, Luciana Manolea check-raised all in from the hijack against Constantin Cosmin after facing a bet worth 20,000 and Cosmin quickly called.

Constantin Cosmin: :::Jd:::Js
Luciana Manolea: :::Ac{10h}

The :::Jc turn and :::Qh river let Cosmin double for 108,000 and he took more than half of Manolea’s stack.

Alexandre de Zutter then arrived at this table and opened to 9,000. Fellow Frenchman Quentin Lecomte shoved for 79,500 and de Zutter mucked the :::4c:::4h.

Alexandre de Zutter 275,000 -60,000
Constantin Cosmin 250,000 69,500
Quentin Lecomte 100,000 30,500
Luciana Manolea 70,000 -130,000