Montrimas Doubles Through Hakala

Tomas Montrimas

Tomas Montrimas open-shoved for the last 57,100 and Ville Hakala from one seat over reraised all in, forcing out all other players on the table.

Montrimas showed the :::As:::Qs and had a flip against the :::Jc:::Js of Hakala. The :::9h:::8h:::8s flop and :::7c turn were of no help, prompting Montrimas to vault out of his chair. He immediately said back down after spiking the :::Ah on the river and remained in contention.

Tomas Montrimas 125,000 50,000
Ville Hakala 100,000 5,000
Jason Tompkins 0 -98,600
Vamshi Vandanapu 0 -66,500